Panera Cinnamon Crunch Bagels


What You Need

You don't need a lot of ingredients to make these better-than-Panera cinnamon crunch bagels!

Mix the Dough

Mix the salt and yeast into the flour, then add the honey and water and mix to form a slightly sticky dough.


Switch attachments to the dough hook and knead until smooth, then mix in the white chocolate and cinnamon chips.

Prove & Shape

Let the dough rise in the fridge overnight, then let it warm up to room temperature. Divide into 12 balls, then shape into bagels.

Rise & Poach

Let them rise until springy, then poach for 30 seconds on each side in a boiling baking soda-sugar solution.

Top & Bake

Sprinkle the poached bagels with the cinnamon topping, then bake until golden. Cool, slice, and enjoy!


You'll love each bite of these chewy bagels with their flavorful crunchy topping! Spread them with cream cheese for a treat.

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